Shiprocked 2025 Waitling List

  • Accommodations
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  • Shiprocked 2025 Waitling List
  • Carnival Magic
  • January 19, 2025 - January 25, 2025

ShipRocked is booked to capacity! However, cabin cancellations will occur as we approach the sailing date, so we have created a priority waiting list for those still interested in joining us to Rock Hard and Vacation Harder in January!

How The Waiting List Works

  • Join the ShipRocked 2025 Waiting List by making a single deposit of $150
  • Only one name and one deposit is required. You will be able to add your guests' name(s) and pay the additional deposit(s) if/when we contact you to confirm a stateroom reservation.
  • Please note that this deposit is non-refundable, unless we are unable to find a stateroom for you before the close of business on January 3, 2025. 
  • As staterooms become available, they will be offered to guests in the order they joined the waiting list. 
  • If we are able to confirm a cabin for you, your deposit will credit toward the total balance of your reservation.
  • If we are not able to offer you a stateroom by January 3, 2025, we will automatically refund you in full within 14 days of completing SR25 via the credit card on file to pay your wait list deposit.
  • You may choose to remain on the waiting list after January 3rd by emailing us at
  • If you choose to remain on the list after January 3rd and we do not find a stateroom for you by Friday January 17th, you will be automatically refunded within 14 days after completing SR25.

Before checking out, you must agree to the SR25 Waiting List Terms & Conditions.

For any questions or assistance with joining the waiting list, contact us at 888-402-ASK4 (2754) or

If you have already made a reservation and are returning to pay a balance, please click below.